The Pohrer Report - Q4 2021

Clients, prospective clients, buyers, sellers, real estate enthusiasts, colleagues and friends, 

Our team is delighted to bring you the second issue of The Pohrer Report. In this quarterly analysis, we break down current real estate trends and set them against historical activity in the most valuable real estate market in the country. 

Over the past two years, we have seen unprecedented growth on Palm Beach Island. To give you a simplified way to decipher the data, we focus not only on sales figures, but also on how they change when compared with different timeframes. It can be challenging to explain to friends and clients how drastically our market has changed, but I believe after reading this report you will understand the nuances of the Palm Beach real estate market more accurately. 

We hope you enjoy the read and welcome your feedback to improve future reports.

Best regards, 



The Pohrer Report - Q1 2022


The Pohrer Report - Q3 2021